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bedroom window

Bedroom window view

I am spending my second morning waking up in the city, and I just noticed this morning that I can see the Hart Senate building out my bedroom window. Wow! When people think of living in a big city usually they think of NYC, Chicago, Boston, or LA, but the more time I spend wandering D.C. the more I am reminded that this is a sprawling metropolitan area with all aspects of city life. I was walking on Capitol Hill during lunch time yesterday and there were lines of professionally dressed men and women outside every restaurant door. Maybe that was the case because it was 65 degrees out, but I made a mental note to myself to bring my lunch to work when I start next week.

I also spent some time looking for a gym and had to hop on the metro because of the outrageous prices of the gyms that are of walking distance for me. I ended up in an area called the D.C. golden triangle. It looked a lot like NYC with the multistory clothing stores and big advertisements to catch your attention.

It actually gets a bit intimidating living in a city brushing shoulders with people of fame, power, prestige, and money. You quickly begin to evaluate you life and ask yourself the question should I be doing something different. Thats how I felt while I was out and about yesterday, but when I came home to my Bible I was refreshed by God’s word.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” John 15: 5

This verse reminded me that apart from God, no matter what we do, we are nothing. Even if the people that have the good things in life got them through helping other people (although I have a feeling that is not the case) it means nothing in the end. The worth of a person is not seen in what he or she has but in the love of God. Rather then strive for humanly achievements we need to strive for the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Understanding the true source of worth puts us in a place to worship our Father for his love, and gives us a confidence that we can live a meaningful life no matter what circumstances abound.

How do we know that we are remaining in Him? Jesus answers this question in his next question to the disciples?

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples” John 15:7-8

The power of life is found in God’s word. This is my biggest conviction starting this new year, that I have to be in a place where I am regularly hearing, reading, and digesting the word of God so that I can remain in him. I don’t think this verse gives us the power to ask for selfish things we lust after, but rather, Jesus is challenging us to remain in Him and see how his heart transforms our heart to begin desiring the things he desires. If remaining in Him means knowing the word of God, then when we ask for what we wish we find ourselves praying the heart of God.

My prayer for my life while I’m in D.C. is that no matter where I am working, that I find my worth in God and that I remain in His word so that I can pray His heart for the people in this city.


  1. I love this. You are so good. I’m glad you are writing.

  2. Beautifully put you beautiful girl. We are all praying that this be a semester that you fully chase after God

  3. eh love…i miss you soo much already…and i’m a total punk for not tryin harder to get with you before you left, but it’s refreshing to read your blog…and the wisdom you’ve shared is def. something i need to be reminded of today. i love you and hope that you have an awesome time in DC!

    perhaps I’ll visit once I get a job??

  4. hey.
    its amazing that even though you live states away i am still encouraged by your words. thanks.
    i am soo excited about what God is going to do while you are in DC.
    you keep writing and i’ll keep reading!

  5. Beautifully written my friend – what a great reminder.
    The pace of this place stirs my fleshly need for worldly kudos too – but what a simple and profound way to handle that “pray that I find my worth in God”.
    I love it!
    I also love your line, “but as I got into the Word I was refreshed”. Sounds like the Psalm of Asaph.
    Just remember to also pray that God let you spend lots of time with the Wards too this semester!
    WE love YOU!

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